A Perfect Monday

The is something inexplicably aesthetically pleasing in drinking a fine cup on earl grey on a cloudy morning out of an authentic English china-a rare find you’ve scored on a recent stroll through a Saturday antique market. It is about pausing and enjoying the moment, engaging all senses: the lightweight of the cup, the intricate designs, the aroma of a fresh pot of tea, the well balanced tannins playing on your tongue as you savour each sip…

…a perfect Monday morning, which leaves me pondering my current semi-off-grid lifestyle…
I bet there is nothing quite as family-building as owning a rural piece of land together. Granted, home renovations can be family-building as well, but more than likely become stressful and trying before you know it. However, a rural piece of land begs to be explored. An after dinner stroll down the road invites adventures in foraging- looking for any plants that might be of healing nature, any natural building materials you could use in your next project-the opportunities are endless.

one of the first raised beds, built on permaculture principles.

And, as many before me have noted, there is nothing quite as satisfying as digging in the dirt itself. All It takes is planting a shrub or watering the gorgeous plants you’ve purposefully planted all over the yard, or watching the seedlings grow to make one connected with the bigger picture, to feel like all is alright with the world.

Once growing even a small portion of a weekly food supply becomes a feasible endeavor, the trips to the supermarket become less and less enjoyable and I find that I’d rather get by with less, than give into purchasing nutrition-lacking food of unknown origin. We are fortunate enough to live in a region of Georgia where farmer’s markets are a well-developed network and there are locations within half-hour drive from us at least five times a week. Granted, the produce is limited and seasonal, such as squash, beans, okra and tomatoes in early august, but it becomes more about building the connections with the farmers, getting consistently high quality produce. In the end, it’s not about how fast, cheap or easy you can get something, but the quality of the input that feeds your body.

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