Memories of growing up in post-Soviet Russia.

Noone questioned the sanitary standards, pasteurization process or fat content. There was a certain thrill in the unknowing if you’d get sick or not-but here’s the kicker, noone got sick! At least, noone in my immediate surroundings. We’d eat fruit off the ground, competing with birds and worms alike for our share, dusting off the dirt and showing apricot after apricot in our mouths. We’d eat anything that looks remotely edible, not because we were starving, but for the sheer thrill of it… … More Memories of growing up in post-Soviet Russia.

life goes on

I stood naked on my half-finished deck today. Even if only for a brief moment, I felt total contentment gazing out onto the sea of greens and blues in front of me, a light breeze and not a soul in sight…on the other hand, our front yard is looking naked today. With heaviness in my … More life goes on

A Perfect Monday

The is something inexplicably aesthetically pleasing in drinking a fine cup on earl grey on a cloudy morning out of an authentic English china-a rare find you’ve scored on a recent stroll through a Saturday antique market. It is about pausing and enjoying the moment, engaging all senses: the lightweight of the cup, the intricate … More A Perfect Monday